Financial Assistance


All players seeking financial assistance are required to apply with an executive board member. The board of MCSC will review your request once we receive ALL required documentation. You will be notified on the decision within 10 days of your request. All information on this form will remain confidential. Please note that a financial aid request form must be completed for each season. Please email with attached required documents to apply.


In order for a youth athlete to participate in the MCSC financial aid program, the youth athlete’s parents or legal guardian (proof required) must provide MCSC with 3rd party written proof of need due to the fact there are limited amount of financial aid for families available. A player will not receive financial aid without such written proof of the following as applicable:

  • Only if the youth athlete attends public school, then proof of the youth athlete’s participation in their public school’s “Free/Reduced Cost Lunch Program” for the current school year must be provided to MCSC.

  • Only if the youth athlete is home schooled, then if the parents or legal guardians of the athlete currently (at the time of registration) participate in any of the following governmental programs, proof of such can be provided to MCSC:

  1. SNAP Food Benefits (aka food stamp program)

  2. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

  3. OK Sales Tax Relief Program

  4. Head Start Program

If a player is approved for financial assistance based on the information submitted, a player will be awarded:

1) Registration Fees - 50%

Other expectations of the Parent/Player Applying for Financial Aid:

All Player Recipients of financial aid are required to provide a minimum of 8 volunteer hours each season (example: assist in training younger players, working tournament or field work day or field maintenance ) and Parents will sign our volunteer contract.

*Besides financial need, additional criteria the board will consider:

• Additional fundraising efforts on the player’s behalf.

• Level of involvement of applicant in youth soccer, as a player, helping other players, referee, or coach.

• Level of involvement of applicant’s family (parents, siblings) in youth soccer.

• Level of involvement in extracurricular activities (school, community).

** Note: All applicants will be treated similarly regardless of sex, race, color, creed or religious beliefs

Other considerations will be based on input from the coach regarding the following (this will not be a consideration if the player is new and the coach has no experience with the applicant):

1) Training attendance

2) Parents volunteer level for team and club commitments (i.e., fundraisers, field duty, tournament duty)